My teaching style has developed over years of instructing students of all ability levels. I'm on a continual quest to understand the patterns of movement and the science behind the sport, so I can simplify it for my students. This has involved extensive research into all aspects of the game, advanced certification studies, and thousands of hours analyzing the precise movements of the best players in the game as well as the world's best athletes from other sports. Perhaps most importantly, I've honed my own teaching methods by researching and studying the philosophies and teaching styles of some of golf's most gifted instructors, including John Jacobs "the father of modern golf instruction." Jacobs was the first to understand that ball flight is a result of how the club is swung and what the body is doing.

By watching the flight of a golf ball, I'm able to determine both what the club is doing and what the body did to make the club and ball move in that way. I believe the swing can be broken down to anatomical patterns of movement that need to be blended together into a single motion so there's minimal and effective motion.
--John Hobbins

My continuing education:
Engaged in extensive research with Michael Jacobs and his Jacobs 3D teaching Model for full swing and putting.
Certified as a Level 4 AimPoint Instructor, one of only 10 worldwide.
Blast Golf 360 Certified Putting Instructor
Isolating "micro-moves"I am also very proud to been involved in a tremendous learning project with Kelvin Miyahira, a golf instructor from Hawaii who also studies the body movements of elite players, such as Ernie Els, a former World No. 1 player (see graphic below). Kelvin's golf articles are among the most thorough and sophisticated I've read. He's isolated what he calls the "micro-moves" common to the best and most powerful ball strikers. I had the good fortune of meeting Kelvin during my research into how students can learn the body movements needed to drive the golf ball longer and more consistently.

Ernie Els' followthrough/finish action (from his swing video)
A beginner golfer needs to develop various skill sets in order to play. it will take repetitive movements ignorer to level the preferred motor patterns. For students of any level, I like to help them get beyond their frustrations -- what's most gratifying for me is seeing them achieve a ball-striking ability they did't think they were capable of.